Friday, April 24, 2009


The biggest challenge (I thought) was riding a motorbike on these "roads". Call it ignorance, but I completely underestimated Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), until I read a few articles on the web after tonight's dinner with Vince & co - where we spent a lot of time discussing this topic.

I will still go. But at the back of my mind, I know that I need to be extremely careful and not be over enthusiastic.

Riding a Pulsar/Splendor is fine. I am confident of managing it on any terrain since I have pretty good control. But any serious symptoms of AMS, and I will be heading back down right away. Unfortunately, the problem, as I understand from Vince, is that one cannot just "head down right away". Due to the nature of the terrain, if struck by AMS, I might need to go up another 1000meters, before I can actually start heading down again.

We'll see.... need to read more about this!

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